Monday, July 16, 2012

It has been a long long time since I have posted anything! I think more than anything, this has been the most time I have spent figuring out what to do with myself and where I am going to be headed.
More than anything I wish to start driving!! The places I could get with that. No more asking to go to the park or the mountains. I long to be out of this house! Having television around is way to tempting, I would much rather go and swim in a stream or watch the stars or make a bonfire with close friends.
I need to start looking at jobs and ways to start selling my products. As of now, I am trying to get an internship to get me started and I could only pray that I get hired. And as for my products, well, I need to start making some! But how to do that when I have no money to buy materials. So many things circling my mind! I have so many great ideas for DIYs but no time to do them. But they are definately coming (:

Then theres school, my my, I don't think I even know what I am to do. So many career choices out there. My dream would be to own my own vintage store but it feels so far away and I don't have the slightest clue on where to begin. I think I am going to start with a simple drawing 1 class at community college and see where I go from there. I just want the commitment of having a class, I don't want to just quit school all together.

But for now, with my cup of cold green unsweeted tea in my hand and the beautiful sounds of youth lagoon, I will sit down and write down my goals and my to do list to get to them
and I will type up the list, print it out, and cross off the things I do.

Blessings everyone! ( :
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